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本书标签: 短篇  作文素材 




If you are determined to do something, don't ask yourself and others whether it is worth it. Only when you are willing can you take it for granted—— Liu Tong


No matter how poor your conditions are, there will always be someone who loves you. No matter how good your conditions are, there is always someone who doesn't love you—— Zhang Ailing


We do not live for the sake of others, but for our own sake—— Zhou Zuoren


Don't linger to gather flowers for preservation, just go ahead, and flowers will bloom along the way—— Tagore


The ultimate goal of parting is to purify the soul, and the first step is to throw away the unnecessary things.


Walking, walking, scattered, memories are light; When I look at it, I am tired and the stars are dark; Listening, I woke up and began to complain; Looking back, I found that you were gone, and suddenly I was confused—— poet and essayist


Growth is a kind of transformation. If you lose the old, you will inevitably have a new one. This is fairness—— Sanmao

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