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本书标签: 短篇  宝藏文案  温柔文案   




How can the gentle winds from the south bear the biting snow from the north

遇到不好的事情 酌情处理 适当过滤.

Encounter bad things as appropriate to handle the appropriate filter.


Anything you have at any time is worth waiting for


Anything you have at any time is worth waiting for.


This is what I understand as adult bravery: thinking, saying, and doing


The end of the road is still the road, if you are willing to go


People are always stiff and gentle when they first meet

世上什么都有 就是没有如果

There is everything in the world but no if

十几个小时没发朋友圈了 不知道哪些小笨蛋想到我流泪

More than ten hours did not send friends circle do not know which little fool think of my tears

要活成两种样子 发光和不发光 不发光的时候是在为发光做准备

There are two ways to live: light and no light. When you're not light, you're preparing for light


The best way to love yourself is to become the best you can be


It's really something to stay warm all the time


You're more to my taste than an air-conditioned watermelon at 26 degrees in summer

爱你的人东西南北都顺路 想你的人白天黑夜都不难

People who love you are on the way to the north, south, east and west

好事会到来 但在那之前你要坚持下去

Good things will happen but until then you've got to hang in there


You are the first choice Cupid has given me

有机会了 我们一起下班 牵着手一起去看晚霞 然后一起回家 回我们的家

We have the opportunity to work together to hold hands together to see the sunset and then go back to our home together

结局总是好的 如果不好 那说明还没有到结局

It always ends well. If it doesn't, it's not the end

上一章 温柔小众的高级文案 许星的文案馆最新章节 下一章 小说里的宝藏句子