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本书标签: 短篇  读书观后感 



"Fu Lei's Family Letters" is a very famous family letter, and every time I go to the bookstore's family letter area, I will see this book. I started reading this book gradually through a book club. After reading this book, I feel that it is indeed very good. Because the letter was originally just a dialogue between father and son, mother and son, and was not written for publication, the content of the letter is truly emotional and inspiring.In addition to genuine emotions, I can see that before my parents show concern and concern for their son, it can be said that the hearts of parents in the world are pitiful.The selected family letters in this book clearly show the different focuses and entry points of fathers and mothers. Fu Lei focuses more on guiding or suggesting how to practice the piano well and improve his skills, while his mother pays more attention to health, family, and financial matters. Through this book, we have seen the family tradition and parenting style of Fu Lei, which has also inspired me.For parents, to educate their children well, it actually requires a lot of effort. Besides my own job, educating my children is also a hassle. It is very important to teach children how to be a good person, love their country, and love our culture.The letter is very rich in content, and many sentences inside are also worth my careful understanding and insights. In short, this is a good book worth reading, which benefits us as parents greatly. It also allows children to feel the efforts and efforts of their parents, understand their difficulties, and better understand their parents.







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